Soil-based probiotics (SBOs) are species of bacteria found in soil. Unlike Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, most SBOs are spore-forming. This means they can form a hard coating that protects them from heat, stomach acids and most antibiotics. In fact, many antibiotics are made from SBOs.
The SBO s protective coating means they don t need to be refrigerated.Â
And unlike most probiotics that come from dairy (like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium), the SBOs in PROTECT are hypoallergenic. That s good news for dogs with dairy allergies.Â
The SBOs in PROTECTÂ have been well widely used and researched and found to be effective:
Bacillus coagulans
This friendly little SBOÂ is often found in fermented foods such as sauerkraut. It s well-studied and has a marked effect on inflammatory digestive conditions. Research shows it can help:
  •  Solve IBS and digestive issues
  •  Balance gut bacteria
 •  Improve immune function
•  Stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory cytokine
  •  Stop the spread of cancer cells
Bacillus subtilis
This SBO is an inhabitant in healthy guts. Even before antibiotics were developed, B. subtilis was used to treat urinary tract infections and GI diseases.
B. subtilis helps the immune system product immunoglobulin A (IgA). This antibody is often low in dogs with autoimmune disease. It also bolsters the gut lining, which prevents toxins, bacteria and undigested food from entering the bloodstream and triggering an immune response.Â
B. subtilis also ferments vitamin K and produces 12 strong, natural antibiotics that fight harmful bacteria.Â
It s a powerhouse probiotic with a proven track record!
Bacillus indicus
This SBO is extremely unique … and useful! B. indicus produces large amounts of carotenoids, which are the yellow and orange pigments found in plants. These carotenoids are powerful antioxidants … in a more bioavailable form than those from plants.
B. indicus also produces B vitamins, vitamin K2 and quinols for extra health-boosting results. Dogs with unbalanced guts (dysbiosis) won t have enough friendly probiotics to this this.
Saccharomyces boulardii
Saccharomyces boulardii is considered to be a probiotic but it s actuallyyeast. But don t confuse it with brewer s yeast!
This little guy loves to attach to heavy metals and eat them. Dogs are constantly exposed to pesticides and their vaccines and even food are a full of mercury, aluminum and other harmful metals. Â
Saccharomyces boulardii is a healthy way to remove toxins before they travel to the organs and harm your dog. Saccharomyces boulardii is also used to treat and prevent diarrhea, including infectious diarrhea such as parvovirus, and the overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the gut.
This friendly yeast has also been shown to effectively fight yeast overgrowth and Candida.
Organic Wild Blueberry Powder
Blueberries are the most nutrient-dense berries. Plus, they re one of the richest sources of special antioxidants called polyphenols. Wild blueberries are richer in antioxidants than highbush blueberries.Â
The antioxidants in blueberries have been shown to fight DNA damage, a common precursor to diseases like cancer. In one study, blueberries reduced oxidative DNA damage by 20%.  And powdered blueberries performed just as well as fresh ones.Â
Blueberries can also maintain brain function and improve memory, thanks to their antioxidant activity. In fact, a six year study showed blueberries delayed mental aging in humans by up to 2.5 years.
Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay comes from volcanic ash. It has a unique structure that can absorb negatively charged toxins, including pesticides, lead, mercury and other heavy metals. Over time, toxins can build up in your dog s body and interfere with organ function.Bentonite clay has been found to bind to these toxins and help cleanse the body.  Bentonite clay can also fight harmful bacteria and encourage the growth of friendly bacteria. This also helps your dog s gut absorb more nutrients.
Cabbage Juice Powder
Cabbage is packed with nutrients and anti-inflammatory polyphenols. It s also rich in insoluble fiber, which keeps the digestive system healthy by adding bulk to stools.
It s also rich in soluble fiber, which feeds beneficial bacteria in the gut, including Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli.
Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a species of single-celled green algae. It s extremely nutritious … but it offers other health boosting properties:
- Â Â It helps detox by removing heavy metals and other toxins from the body and brain
- Â Helps the immune system produce more antibodies, which fight foreign invaders in the body.
- Â Â It s rich in antioxidants
Organic Dandelion Powder
Dandelion root is another antioxidant powerhouse. But its also rich in prebiotics. Prebiotics are compounds that are fermented by probiotics … they basically feed the healthy (probiotic) bacteria populations in your dog s gut.
Organic Burdock Root Powder
Burdock root is also rich in healthy prebiotics. It s rich in fiber, including inulin and FOS. These both inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut and improve immune function. Burdock root can also lower blood sugar.
Fulvic Acid
Just as our probiotics come from the soil, so do fulvic and humic acid!
Fulvic acid is released into soil as organic matter decomposes. The resulting substance supports your dog s body in many ways:
- Â Â Rich in minerals (which is important because most dogs are deficient in minerals
- Â Helps the body absorb nutrients from food.
- Â Naturally high in antioxidants and electrolytes
- Can balance the microbiome and restore gut health
- Â A natural source of pre and probiotics
- Reacts with free radicals, heavy metals and toxins and helps eliminate them from the body.